Review for STAR

We are always looking for reviewers, and especially encourage post-MA graduate students to apply. If you would like to review for STAR, please email us a current CV.

Send a CV

Social Thought and Research seeks to publish research in a diverse range of perspectives that appeal to a wide audience and across disciplinary boundaries. We hope that our reviewers also represent such a diverse audience and welcome additional reviewers from several disciplines and areas of research and expertise.

STAR will mail mail a manuscript packet to reviewer. This will include a paper copies of the article under review, a rating form, a blank form for comments, and a deadline for returning the comments. We generally expect reviews back within one month. Our review process is double-blind.

While we often request revision and re-submission, we try to assist authors as much as feasible in the development of their articles so that they are of publishable quality.

Faculty and advanced graduate students (i.e. post-MA) in sociology and related disciplines are invited to review articles for STAR.

If you would like to review for STAR, please email us a current CV at


Important Details

  • Faculty and advanced graduate students (i.e. post-MA) in sociology and related disciplines are invited to review articles for STAR. If you would like to review for STAR, please email us a current CV.

  • Reviewing for STAR is a good way for graduate students to develop your professional experience and build your CV.